FluteHit Nice chord fade.Minor Bassdrum + minor hit EtherStorm SynthStringBass TapBassDrum.1 Timpali HatPerco.4 HiQual2.ClosedHihat HiQual2.OpenHihat.LQReverb EchoSnare.3 DarkBass NastySynthLead Flewt.low ShortSynth.1 <missing sample 1> <missing sample 2> <missing sample 3> Composed # Skaven / FC - OK - 2 B used in Assembly'94 Invitation Dentro Rights for public release reserved. Order 36 (Hex:24) -- End Screen Song NOTE: This song was originally supposed to contain speech samples, but due to the memory limitations (GUS-256k owners had to be taken into account) they were stripped. Don't rip this tune. I am intending to publish it with the speech included, a bit later. Signed, Skaven/FC NOTE2: The following two samples do not belong here They just are ... flok pum ........................... Downloaded from BBB's pH web page http://www.ozemail.com.au/~ barretts/ ...........................